
Articles sobre clústers


No hi ha un turista. Sabem que els turistes són diferents i que algunes de les diferències són tan importants que generen models radicalment oposats. Aquest és un repte essencial de la planificació: Si hi ha turistes diferents... no hauríem de planificar de forma que donéssim resposta als diversos interessos?.

L'interrogant inicial, però, és quins tipus de turistes hi ha?. Quina tipologia podem realitzar?. Aquesta és la qüestió que intentarem desvetllar les properes setmanes. Per iniciar el trajecte, aquestes lectures ens podem orientar:
  • Maria Álvarez i Gülden Asugman (2006), "Explorers versus planners. A Study of Turkish Tourism", Annals of Tourism Research, 33, 2, 319 - 338
  • Jo-Ann Foo, Robyn McGuiggan and Andrew Yiannakis (2004), "Roles Tourists Play: An Australian Perspective", Annals of Tourism Research, 31, 2, 408 - 427
  • Eugenia Wickens (2002), "The sacred and the profane: A Tourist Typology", Annals of Tourism Research, 29, 3, 834-851
  • Stuart McMinn and Erlet Cater (1998), "Tourist typology: Observations from Belize", Annals of Tourism Research, 25, 3, 675 - 699
  • Erik Cohen (1979), "A phenomenology of tourist experiences", Sociology, 13, 179 - 201
  • T. Silderberg (1995), "Cultural tourism and business opportunities for museums and heritage sites", Tourism Management, 16, 5, 361 - 365
  • Chul-min Mo, Dennis R. Howard and Mark E. Havitz (1993), "Testing an international tourist role typology", Annals of Tourism Research, 20, 2, 289 - 301
  • Ryan, C. i Glendon, I. (1998), “Application of Leisure Motivation Scale to tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 25 (1), 169-184
  • Mehmet Mehmetoglu (2007), "Typologising nature-based tourists by activity . Theoretical and practical implications", Tourism Management, 28, 3, 651 - 660
  • Alain Decrop and Dirk Snelders (2005), "A grounded typology of vacation decision-making", Tourism Management, 26, 2, 121-132

4 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

T. Silderberg (1995), "Cultural tourism and business opportunities for museums and heritage sites", Tourism Management, 16, 5, 361 - 365

TURISMO CULTURAL."Cultural tourism represents an area of significant economic benefit to museums and heritage sites. Challenging economic times in particular require cultural and heritage facilities to explore ways and means to increase attendance and self-generated revenues and to control operating expenses."

DonAire ha dit...

La clave es determinar si hay un turista cultural tipo o varios grupos diferentes de turistas culturales.

Anònim ha dit...

Yo opino que hay varios tipos diferentes de turistas culturales. Seguramente más que culturas. ¿O es qué solamente hay una cultura?

DonAire ha dit...

No. Muchas culturas. Muchos turismos. Y por tanto, muchos tipus de turistas culturales.